Friday, January 22, 2010

37 Years And Countless Lives Saved

This picture isn't the best, but the purple wristband says "Trust Women 5-31-09" That was the day that Dr. George Tiller , a woman's health care provider was assassinated in his church. It's funny that the trial of his killer starts on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Thirty-seven years ago today, the Supreme Court decriminalized abortion. They ruled that the forth amendment's guarantee of privacy extended to what happened between a woman and her doctor.

Since then the attacks on that ruling have been relentless. What's at stake isn't just a woman's right not only to choose, but the right to make this choice in the only place it should be made: a doctor's office.

Regulations meant to subvert Roe have made abortion all but inaccessible in some parts of the country.

A reported rise in treatment for girls who have tried 'do-it-yourself' abortions that have gone wrong has gone up alarmingly.

This fight is far from over. Roe was only the first step and it is far too early to celebrate.

We are pro-choice because we are the ones who respect the sanctity of life.

1 comment:

  1. We are pro-choice because we are the ones who respect the sanctity of life.

    Enough said...
